FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Maps) Comparisons

A comparison of the New 2008 Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Old FIRMs (March 1982) is provided below. For an indication of Floodway and Floodplain reduction review the following maps (note that the reduced areas are identifiable where RED is visible):

  1. Flood Area Reduction Map
  2. Flood Area Reduction Map - Quad 1
  3. Flood Area Reduction Map - Quad 2
  4. Flood Area Reduction Map - Quad 3
  5. Flood Area Reduction Map - Quad 4

For an indication of Floodway and Floodplain expansion review the following maps (note that the expanded areas are identifiable where BLUE is visible):

  1. Flood Area Expansion Map
  2. Flood Area Expansion Map - Quad 1
  3. Flood Area Expansion Map - Quad 2
  4. Flood Area Expansion Map - Quad 3
  5. Flood Area Expansion Map - Quad 4